Hey y’all! My name is Will, and I’m the founder of Blue Ridge Flies. We are a local South Carolina fly fishing company whose main goal is to create fly boxes tailored to different regions of the United States.
I have always loved fishing – my family will tell you that being on the water is where I’m happiest. Several years ago I started getting into fly fishing, but really had no idea what I was doing. I spent so much money on flies that just simply weren’t meant for the rivers that I was fishing. It took lots of experience to learn the different flies that can be used to optimize your success on the river.
When I was first starting out, I tried to buy prefilled fly boxes because that seemed easiest, right? Unfortunately, most of those fly boxes were practically useless – I might be able to use a handful of flies from them but had to buy the whole box just to get those few.
While attending Clemson University, I became very active in the Clemson Fly Fishing Club. As the Club President, I noticed that many of the new members were experiencing the same issues I was when I first started fly fishing. They didn’t know what flies to use and couldn’t get a fly box that contained everything they would need. Then, they would end up breaking the bank on individual fly purchases becuase there was no inclusive package for everything they needed.
My personal experience and seeing the members of the club struggle just as I had sparked my idea for this company. I wanted to fix that problem by giving people the most bang for their buck with high quality box of flies that you can actually use.
My hope is that Blue Ridge Flies will take the guess work out of your fly fishing experience, so that you can start catching fish faster!